
There are several methods of teaching English to students who are learning the language for the first time, each with their own unique pros and cons. Depending on the teaching situation, setting, and resources available, any one of these English teaching methods could be right for you and your students. In this guide, we’ll go over the basics of each method and determine what kind of English language student it would work best on.

1. Visual
2. Audio
3. Audio-visual
4. Computer Based
5. Real

1. Visual
Advantages of Visual Method :

a. Helps students understand and remember concepts more easily;
b. Reduces Teacher Talking Time;
c. Provides a touch point you can refer back to throughout the lesson;
d. Makes the class more dynamic and fun

Disadvantages of Visual Method :

a. Lack of students' ability to speak
b. Lack of students' ability to hear
c. Students tend to be less active

Pictures are great for presenting many nouns, adjectives and simple sentence patterns. If you are using a textbook in class, make use of the pictures in it; they are sometimes very simple and effective. With younger students, solicit words by asking “What do you see?” Be sure to call on many students and meet all of their suggestions with positive feedback. With older students, you can have them predict what a chapter will be about based on the pictures from the opening page.

2. Audio

Audio is an electrical or digital representation sound. There are two kinds of audio, aural and oral. Aural means of relating sense of hearing. Oral means speaking. Role audio method is to teach listening skill and to teach pronunciation and intonation.

Characteristic of audio media are :

1) clarity of voice
2) relevant to the topic
3) clear pitch of the radio
4) appropriate length
5) appropriate language
6) unbiased content

The Advantages of Audio Method :
a. useful to add, maintain and stimulate interest;
b. can be use as a set induction strategy;
c. can clarify problems and ambiguity;
d. can aid memory;
e. can be use in stimulating emotions;
f. useful in distant learning;
g. helpful in learning language;
h. helpful in stimulating creative thinking,increase imagination .

The Disadvantages of Audio Method :
a. ascessing or selecting topics
b. consume time
c. can't learn reading
d. controling device is hard
e. need more monitoring

3. Audio-Visual

The audiovisual method was first developed by the CREDIF term in France in the 1950s. This method is intended for teaching everyday language at the early stage of second/foreign language learning. It was based on a behaviourist approach, which held that language is acquired by habit formation. Based on assumption that foreign language is basically a mechanical process and it is more effective if spoken form precedes written form. The stress was on oral proficiency and carefully- structured drill sequences (mimicry/memorisation) and the idea that quality and permanence of learning are in direct proportion to amount of practice carried out.

The uses of audio-visual methods in teaching:
1. Audio-visual methods in teaching strengthen an instructor’s verbal presentation
2. convey information mainly via sound and image instead of by text.
3. Students often benefit from the visual/sound appeal of audio-visual methods in teaching

The Principle of Audio Visual Method–

a. Selective
b. Preparation
c. Physical control
d. Proper Presentation
e. Response

The Techniques in Audio Visual Method:
1. The Lesson begins with the filmstrips and tape-presentation.
2. The materials are explained by the teacher through pointing, demonstrating, selective listening, question and answer.
3. The dialogue is repeated several times and memorized by frequent replays of tape-recording and filmstrips or by language laboratory practice.
4. Students are gradually emancipated by the filmstrip and tape-recorder.

The Advantages

a. The students are easy to understand the material because they are not only listen but also see the presentation.
b. The students are fluent in speaking.
c. Audio Visual Method enhance student learning and create a more inviting atmosphere.

The Disadvantages

a. Basic method of teaching is repetition.
b. Mechanical drills of early Audio-Visual approach is boring, mindless and counter productive.
c. Audio-Visual materials were open to same sort of misuse.
d. Audio Visual method doesn’t develop writing and reading skill.
e. New materials necessitated extensive use of equipment with all associated problems of black-out, extension leads, carrying tape-recorders from classroom to classroom.

4. Computer Based

Computer-based learning is a term that can be used to describe virtually any kind of learning program using computers as a central staple. The computer-based learning model can be used by a myriad of learning programs across the world. It can also be combined with traditional teaching methods to enhance the overall educational. Computer-based learning is also known as computer-aided instruction.

Role of Computer Based in Learning Activities :

1. Cognitive Objectives
2. The purpose of Affective
3. Psychomotor Objectives

The Advantages
a. Provide opportunities for students to solve problems individually.
b. Provide compelling presentations with animation.
c. Provide learning content choices are many and varied.
d. Capable of motivating students to learn.
e. Capable of activating and stimulating methods of teaching well.
f. Promoting the development of students' understanding of the material presented.
g. Stimulate students to learn with passion, the material presented easily understood by students.
h. Students had an experience that is concrete, increased student retention.
i. Give direct feedback.
j. Can accommodate students who are slow because it can create an effective learning climate with a much more personal way.
k. Can stimulate students to do the exercise because of the availability of animated graphics, color and music.
l. The handle is on the student so that the learning speed can be adjusted to the level of ability.

The Disadvantages

a. Learners with low motivation or bad study habits may fall behind.
b. Without the routine structures of a traditional class, students may get lost or confused about course activities and deadlines.
c. Students may feel isolated from the instructor and classmates.
d. Instructor may not always be available when students are studying or need help.
e. Slow Internet connections or older computers may make accessing course materials frustrating.

5. Realia

In education, realia (/riˈeɪˌliˌə/ pron. ree-ay-lee-ah) are objects from real life used in classroom instruction by educators to improve students' understanding of other cultures and real life situations. A teacher of a foreign language often employs realia to strengthen students' associations between words for everyday objects and the objects themselves. In many cases, these objects are part of an instructional kit which includes a manual and is thus considered as being part of a documentary whole by librarians. Realia are also used to connect learners with the key focal point of a lesson by allowing tactile and multidimensional connection between learned material and the object of the lesson. They are best utilized for simple objects lending themselves to classroom settings and ease of control with minimum risk of accident throughout the student object interaction.

The Principle of Realial Method

Realia in the classroom is all about the use of real life objects that students can touch, feel, and even smell to effectively teach ESL components.

The Advantages

•engages various learners (visual, auditory, kinesthetic)
•teaches vocabulary
•facilitates language acquisition and production
•allows students to experience with senses
•promotes cultural understanding
•can serve as an introduction or support for a lesson

The Disadvantages

•not always available
•not always practical for classroom use
•can pose potential safety hazards
•can be a source of distraction

Thank you ^.^

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