
Teaching using Media
"A Ball and Rope"

We can use this method for teaching vocabulary, grammar, part of speech, or anything. How we can do that with this materials? We use the rope and make it a circle than students must enter and remain inside the circle
there should be no loopholes in the circle, than one of student (as the keeper) enter into the circle and close his/her eyes. The other students who remain inside the circle twist and when the keeper says "Stop", the other students must stop. The keeper (still closed his/her eyes) trow the ball into the other students while says the clue of the questions. Example; the keeper says "Preposition", so the student who hit by the ball must mentions three or more examples of preposition. When the student can't mention it under 10 seconds, he/she must switch and being the keeper, but if the student can answer the question the Keeper
should continue the game such as when starting. 


Thank you ^.^ 

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